TWelfth Night Dramaturgy
Welcome to the Twelfth Night dramaturgy resource website. On this page you will find information in two different categories:
William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night, Or What You Will
I originally created this resource page for Flagstaff Shakespeare. After talking to Lisa, we decided it may also be of use to all of you. In the Shakespeare section you will find a short biography of Shakespeare, a video biography for your viewing pleasure, and information on the development of Shakespeare's text. Under Twelfth Night you will find quick facts about gender in England during the Early Modern period, a brief summary of Twelfth Night celebrations, a production history, and a glossary.
A few quick notes.
William Shakespeare
Twelfth Night, Or What You Will
I originally created this resource page for Flagstaff Shakespeare. After talking to Lisa, we decided it may also be of use to all of you. In the Shakespeare section you will find a short biography of Shakespeare, a video biography for your viewing pleasure, and information on the development of Shakespeare's text. Under Twelfth Night you will find quick facts about gender in England during the Early Modern period, a brief summary of Twelfth Night celebrations, a production history, and a glossary.
A few quick notes.
- I developed the glossary for a different cut, many of the words you are encountering in your text are addressed in this glossary, but the page numbers and line numbers are obviously incorrect. Use the "find" function when visiting the page to find the entry you are looking for. They are in order of appearance in the text (in general).
- There are links to source articles at the bottom of each page. In particular, in the production history section there is interesting material on the way that some of the main characters have been performed over the years, which may be edifying.
- The gender section hasn't been customized to Lisa's production conceits. By this I mean, it is a section on very traditional norms of gender for the period as was requested for the production I worked on over the summer. If folks are interested, I'd be happy to compile some sources on queerness in Twelfth Night (of which there are MANY!).